London 48 Hour Sci-Fi Challenge - Last Minute call to ASSEMBLE!
So, at the very last minute, myself (Colin "Iron-Bat" Warhurst) Dan "Dead-Spider-Pool" Warhurst and Chris "Doctor X" Lane are putting together a team to take part in the 48 hour sci fi film making challenge set by the London Sci-Fi Film festival.

The challenge is THIS weekend, Sat 6th - Mon 8th April.
We do not know what we are writing yet, so we don't know what type of actors we will need, but we do know we will need all the crew and location helps and ideas we can get.
If you think you can contribute in any way at all, please get in touch! Our Facebook "Assembly" page link is here, and you can emailus directly at
Crew; we've got cameras and gear, but can always do with sound, make-up, costume and post production wizardry. Depending what we write and the deadline we have, we may want a seocnd, third or even fourth unit! Who knows! But if interested in any capacity, we can and will use you!
Actors; if interested (and we hope you are!) then please let us know your avaiabiltiy. Please bear in mind htough that we do not know what we are writing until 12pm Saturday, and hope to know who we are casting by 4pm. Please do not cancel or change any plans you may have, but if you do happen to be free, we would love know and hopefully/posibly/maybe have you involved.
This isn't our first rodeo, but it is a tall order with a set deadline. We will accept the Challenge! Will you join us! Northern Avengers; Assemble!

The challenge is THIS weekend, Sat 6th - Mon 8th April.
We do not know what we are writing yet, so we don't know what type of actors we will need, but we do know we will need all the crew and location helps and ideas we can get.
If you think you can contribute in any way at all, please get in touch! Our Facebook "Assembly" page link is here, and you can emailus directly at
Crew; we've got cameras and gear, but can always do with sound, make-up, costume and post production wizardry. Depending what we write and the deadline we have, we may want a seocnd, third or even fourth unit! Who knows! But if interested in any capacity, we can and will use you!
Actors; if interested (and we hope you are!) then please let us know your avaiabiltiy. Please bear in mind htough that we do not know what we are writing until 12pm Saturday, and hope to know who we are casting by 4pm. Please do not cancel or change any plans you may have, but if you do happen to be free, we would love know and hopefully/posibly/maybe have you involved.
This isn't our first rodeo, but it is a tall order with a set deadline. We will accept the Challenge! Will you join us! Northern Avengers; Assemble!