North West Avengers - Assemble for 2014 Sci Fi film challenge
The Intrepid "Super-Spider" Chris Lane and your humble author, "Iron Bat" Warhurst are entering the 48 Hour Sci-Fi challenge again. AND WE NEED YOU!
Last year, you may remember that we hastily assembled a very late entry team to enter into the London Sci-Fi film festival's 48 Hour shorts competition. Well, we want lightning to strike twice!
12th - 14th April
We will be assembling a team of core Production staff, and would very much like to fill the roles below. The nature of the competition means that we will not know precisely what it is we will be filming until the first day of the event itself. We will be given a title, line of dialogue, and a prop... As such, it is very hard to know what sort of cast we will need, and precisely what sort of crew etc.

(We don't know yet! But please register let us know you are interested!)
Camera AssistantSecond Unit Camera/Director
Lighting Technican(s)
Sound Recordist(s)Driver(s)
Props Master & Props Team
Location Coordinator
Editor / Assistant Editors
Colour Grader
Sound Design / Edit
Visual Effects
Graphics & Titles Design
Caffeine & Sugar Supplier...
We may not be able to plan too much ahead of time, but forewarned is forearmed, and so if you are interested in one of the specific roles, have ideas for props or locations, want to be around or added to our list as general assistance on the weekend (we will need it!) or as a potential cast member, we would love for you to register interest on our facebook page, twitter or email.
Please provide us with contact details so we can double check nearer the day if you are still free. A biography or link to previous work would also be useful. We will let you know asap if we have already filled a role, or if we will require your assistance in this epic battle against the odds!
We hope to base ourselves from a central Manchester location, and to have the core crew meet the weekend before in order to location scout and gather potential props...
We had tremendous fun last year, but want to up the ante for our second attempt. It's hard work, unpaid, and incredibly tiring... But it is also tremendous fun, challenging and we end up with a killer film at the end of the process. So if the idea of Sci-Fi, film-making or challenge against time appeals to you then ASSEMBLE!
TWITTER - - #sfl48hr / @NWAvengers