IFA 2017: BBC Blue Room Report

Once again...

Original article:

The BBC Blue Room allows staff and guests from local communities the opportunity to see and try out the best new technology for audiences to consume, create and interact with content. Colin Warhurst and James Hand from the Blue Room recently attended a major technology trade event and reports back on the new innovations on display.

The BBC Blue Room were tasked with once again attending Berlin’s IFA (Europe’s largest Consumer Electronics & White Goods Trade Show) at the start of September. Our job was to not undertake product reviews, but rather to analyse the technology trends on show, compare them with previous technology advances, and to then deduce what potential impact these latest innovations will have on both broadcasters and audiences.

IFA Berlin takes place annually, and provides a unique opportunity to gather information and insight into what major electronics manufacturers, and technology start-ups, foresee as being important to consumers. As such, James Hand and myself were sent to fight our way through the usual marketing hype and to fight our way through to uncover the real technology evolution stories that matter to us.

Alongside 250,000 other visitors, we spent four days trying to speak to as many of the 1800 vendors who were present at the event. Together, James and I have managed to gather our thoughts, photos and videos into this year’s IFA report, all of which hopefully provide you with an insight into the major tech themes found at IFA 2017.

We invite you all to have a read of our report at the link below, and if you find it interesting, of course please feel free to share!
