2020 was...


A candlelit choir performance at Manchester Cathedral, a new iPad (for faster photo editing and procrastination)


Portland Basin Museum, Robyn's first dance show, Blue Room Reacts #001 - Disney+, VidCon London 2020, a trip to the world of The Archers


My IBC IHD Explainer film goes live online, a DeLorean, LOCKDOWN BEGINS (and for us, that meant, and means, full shielding into we're all vaccinated), Hazel's 40th Birthday over Zoom (with about a Bazillion guests who all still thought Zoom was a novelty back then - oh, those were the days...), iPad dance classes, a Sleep Study, shopping dressed as The Budget Batman, Blue Room Reacts #002 - Britbox, The MCU vs Covid starts, a sleep study for Cassian which kick starts his GH treatment,


Daddy-Daughter Tameside Trail walks begin, Robyn's 4th Birthday (back garden bunting party complete with a virtual zoo), 


A long overdue haircut, Cassian's first birthday (also around the time we say goodbye to his NG feeding tube), a sleep study (the results of which also enables us to start his GH and CPAP routines), a bird's nest, decorating the hallway, Blue Room Reacts #003 - Quibi, we commission a new drive way (to get it by Summer's end), we decorate Cassian's bedroom, Robyn helps us make a CPAP machine table, we scatter Ziggy's ashes, 


Finding a secret park, Cassian gets his Tumbler, The Rainbow Cafe opens, Cassian's room is finished,


Hulme Woods, Werneth Lowe, Butterfly Meadow picnics, Nana's back garden, Foxes, Puddles, letting go of the past (in the form of 100;s of DVDs, Mini DV and VHS tapes...), field mice, 


A brief lull in lockdown sees our first whole-family walk of 2020 at Hulme Wood, more walks follow thanks to Cassian's Tumbler, an iPad control centre, a Zoom call with some folks working on Personal Data Stores that includes a certain Sir Tim Berners Lee, Studio Hazel Earle completes its first film production, Cassian's first car seat, 


Robyn starts reception, a cat literally tires to make itself at home (alas, we had to decline), a waterfall walk, our Tameside Trails taper down as Robyn's school kicks in (weekends and term holidays are still go), Reddish Vale and frogs, the drive we commissioned for the end of Summer finally starts to happen - in Autumn..., Robyn reads her first book,


Werneth Lowe, Studio Hazel Earle completes film #002, the driveway we commissioned for Summer is finished (hoorah!), the Mark IV says farewell and the Mark V Silver Centurion rolls into service, Halloween pumpkins,


I have a 38th birthday with a much smaller number of guests on Zoom compared to Hazel because the Zoom novelty has completely worn off by now, new lights, rocket crops, boarded the loft, survived an encounter with a Queen Wasp, Knowledge is Beautiful with David McCandless


The Blue Room Game of Game Shows, ALL the Christmas presents - including AI photo software (for even faster photo editing and procrastination), BATMAN, Knowledge is Beautiful and some Brooklyn born artwork.